Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Muses de la Mode: Suzy Parker

Not to be outdone by her sister, Dorian Leigh, Suzy Parker is considered by many to be the world's first super model.  She was the first model to ever make more that $100,000 a year.  Though she already had an agency and had already appeared in a national Revlon campaign, Suzy is famous for making her debut with Ford Modeling Agency because Dorian would only sign with the agency if they also took on Suzy without ever having seen her.  Expecting her to be petite and fair with dark features like Dorian, Eileen and Jerry Ford were shocked when they first met the tall redhead.  Suzy Parker is also the only fashion model to have a Beatles song written about her.

Here are a few amazing photographs from her illustrious career.

Jean Patchett, Dovima, and Suzy Parker


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